Hi everyone (prayer warriors, supporters, etc),
We are doing well! God is good!! Today begin the first day of teaching the Creation to Christ Story to the children. Majority of them do not understand the whole context of the story, so we have divided into segments for the children to understand. Each lesson has broken into the four concepts of the Gospel: God's Creation, the Fall of Man, Redemption of Jesus Christ, and the Restoration of Response.
Thankfully the Lord has blessed us with a tremendous serving and loving team who are flexible and willing. This year, Pastor Hung has chosen to spend time with our group more by observing, training, and teaching how to interpret the Word correctly, and opening up to share life story with our team (same with his wife Co Trang). I know today our team was dealing with tiredness from teaching the first day and this is only the beginning with more to do. So continue to keep us in your prayers with these in mind:
- Pray for steadfast strength for our team especially our health. A few members are dealing with physical sickness and fatigue (Jerry, Henry, and the sisters). We need physical rest to prepare for the rest of the week.
- Pray for our team to be listening ears for Pastor Hung and Co Trang and their family. They have gone through tough situations since we visited them last year. They have invited us to view their lens of life and welcome us to empathy with their personal experiences and sufferings. We all realized this is encouraging to walk beside each of them, by seeing how God's character displays in light of him through them.
- Pray our team to be humbling servants to the ministry to glorify the Lord in Cambodia.
- Pray for the children. Every time, we return, they're an abundant of joy! Energetic, bold, and thriving to learn. More importantly, they want to be loved. Pray they will understand why God desires a relationship with them. Pray for the children to be teachable people as the Gospel is shared to them through the Creation of Christ Story. They are learning the Fall of Man tomorrow, learning sin and separation from the Most High God. Pray the children may understand what is sin.
- Affirmation: I'm really thankful of my teammates. They are willing to take steps for risking their live and time and I'm encourage more solely to see how they are refine through out the day daily mission especially their character to reflect love and giving. Every single person is unique and special in their ways. To my team, great job and continue to rely on the Spirit and being a blessing in Cambodia.
Well it's Monday August 7th at 11:15p, I'm off to bed and preparing the team devotion at 6a. Thank you for reading and praying for us. We appreciate the prayers because we know the Lord is with us because of his goodness and grace, but also you encourage us by sending us out to Cambodia to invest the people and allow the lost to know Christ.
And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all. - Ephesians 1:22-23
His glory, our reward,