Hey everyone, it's Monday 15th, 2015 at 3:05 am. In 2-3 hours, we will be teaching the kids and students English and Vietnamese for 8 hours today, this includes mastering them in typewriting too. While the other brothers are planning to build a playground set for the church.
So far, based on my observation, I am experiencing a cultural shock of how different USA and Cambodia are. The weather is hot and humid, the family church we are serving are filled with joy and laughter, and the circumstances the people are living daily to make it through. I looked into MS (Pastor) Hung's sons closet earlier today and he only has 5-10 pieces of clothing including a couple of shirts, 2-3 shorts, and a pair of pants or two. I reflect at my life in America and I am spoil with abundance. And I realize the phrase "Less is more than enough." The reality is I am blessed but also, I have the essential needs to live life without any worries of food, clothing, and transportation.
Another observation I am learning is find joy in trusting God, Christ, and the Spirit. Rather than finding it anything of this world, I have observe MS Hung and his wife "remain in me" by staying constant in the Lord. That through all the circumstances and situations they face, they are rooted, built under the foundation of Christ, where they believe faithfully and trust God and their uncertainties! Do not forget God when I am here.
It's radical to experience what God is pressing throughout His kingdom. The first day, I thought I would be doing something life-changing, which is occurring as He is leading. Through the grace of God, He is teaching me to be selfless, be more open in understanding the culture and its people, and really, letting go of my pride to love people more. I'll be honest, the people here especially the church, are actually pouring out more love towards us more than anything else. And the joy of love becomes a ripple effect in the community to the country of Cambodia for people to see how grand and lavishing God's love is impenetrable and relentlessly amazing!
I have 2 more hours before I wake up, good morning and goodnight to everyone. Please continue to pray for our team with a driven purpose. Pray for our understanding comes from God, and God alone. Also for a heart for the Cambodia people to love and to display Christ's love to them daily. Finally, strength from the Lord, with a heart of delightfulness to love and serve and to be "strong and courageous" for the Lord!
These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. - John 15:11
- Jeremiah